you are many things. a basic bitch is not one of them.

So I want you to stop showing up online like one. (And so does your bank account.)

Because let’s be REALLY real. If it was just you and I, girlfriends chatting over cocktails, you’d have A LOT to say.

  • You’d be emphatically telling me about your favorite parts of what you do, the things that make you come ALIVE, the reason this work feels like your true PURPOSE.

  • You’d be owning the FUCK out of how good you are at your job, and why, quite honestly, you’re a WAY better choice than sooo many of the other people in your niche.

  • You’d be unapologetically speaking out against the things you HATE in your industry, the WRONG way to go about things, and what people REALLY need to know and do if they want to get results.

  • You’d be telling me, with tears in your eyes, how deeply you care about the people you want to serve and the true DIFFERENCE you know you can make in their lives.

Yet - when you show up online, the colorful, powerful words you WANT to use vanish. You say HALF of what you REALLY mean. You play it safe. You let the people who are NEVER going to buy from you get in your head. You tone it down out of fear of ruffling feathers or rocking the boat. You turn into who you think you’re SUPPOSED to be instead of commanding sales by just being who you already ARE.

And while I understand you’re doing all of that because you THINK it serves you, I’m here to make sure you understand it’s doing anything BUT. Every single time you turn down the dial on who you REALLY are, you also turn down the dial on how badly the RIGHT people want to pay you.

BOTTOM LINE: You’re either blending in or standing out.
We both know which type of person gets paid more easily, don’t we?


Part mindset, part messaging strategy, Basic to Bold is a 28 day mini course created to shift how you show up online - from BLAH and BORING to BADASS and BRAVE.

My intention during our time together is to serve you in two main ways:

  1. To inspire, embolden, and kick your ass each day so that you feel free to express yourself in a way that feels aligned, authentic, and like the FULLEST, most TRUE expression of YOU.

  2. To guide and support you strategically so that you know how to command attention, establish yourself as an authority, and up your visibility - all so that you can get PAID accordingly.

You’ll walk away bolder, more empowered, and wayyyy better at copy and content. PROMISE.

AUDACIOUS. COURAGEOUS. UNAPOLOGETIC. DARING. FEARLESS. unshakeable. strong. powerful. resolute. unwavering.

I’m willing to bet that these are some of the words you’d use to describe the people YOU admire and pay the most attention to online.

And that’s not just a random coincidence.

YOU are magnetically drawn to them the way more people COULD be magnetically drawn to you - if only you allowed yourself to GO THERE.

Luckily, being brave online is less of a skill and more of a muscle that simply requires strengthening.

Basic to Bold is an opportunity for you to declare that you’re ready to intentionally and strategically build up that strength - because you owe it to yourself, and the people who need you, to say what REALLY needs to be said.

During our time together, you’re going to..

  • Take a stand for how YOU do (and don’t do) things.

  • Attract new people to your world who REALLY need to hear what you have to say.

  • Learn my best hacks for writing copy and content that ACTIVATES.

  • Own who your work is meant for - and get more comfortable turning off everyone else.

  • Learn how to be PRECISE with your offers and your copy so that people say yes EASILY.

  • Trade boring, basic language for words that make an impact.

  • Remember who the fuck you are - so you can show up accordingly.

  • And so much more.


- nobody. EVER.

so what’s included?

28 Days of Audio Lessons and Exercises

Every morning for 28 days, starting on September 11th, you’ll receive audio lessons (approximately 10-15 minutes long) that will aim to embolden and encourage you to stop playing it safe and start being BOLD.

These lessons will cover everything from who you are as a personal brand and how to attract your “unicorn” clients to guidance on how to make your offers and content STAND OUT.

Depending on the lesson, you’ll also get some complimentary resources that will help you put my guidance into action - things like mini templates and examples.

Private Podcast Feed

You’ll get access to the lessons of this program via a membership site, but ALSO as a private podcast feed. This way you can easily listen, wherever you are, and really absorb what you’re learning.

28 Days of Content Hooks and/or Prompts

With each training, you’ll also receive a complimentary content prompt that will take the guesswork out of what to say and share online. These will be prompts that push you to turn up the dial, get a little spicy, and give your people NO CHOICE but to pay a little more attention to who you are and what you have to say.

Private Facebook Group

Because this is the first time I’m running this program (it will only be self study after this initial round), you’ll also have 28 days of access to a private Facebook group. This will mostly be a peer to peer group, as I want you to have a safe space to share and seek support as you step out of your comfort zone, but I’ll be popping in there to answer quick questions and to make sure you have what you need.

Program KICKS OFF WEDNESDAY, September 11TH.

before you go…

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but the harsh reality is that the online space is more noisy and crowded than ever before. We’re lying to ourselves if we don’t acknowledge that.

The really COOL news is that for the people who OWN who they are, what they believe, how they do things, and know how to create content that ACTIVATES their right people - that’s not really a problem.

Which means that if YOU want to stand a chance of making it online in 2024, you’re gonna need to NOT be one more person holding back/playing it safe/just going through the motions.

You’re gonna need to disrupt, ruffle some feathers, and say the REAL SHIT you believe people need to hear.

You’re gonna need to need to trade robotic AI prompts for real stories and experiences only YOU can share.

You’re gonna need to knock it off with the vanilla copy and vague phrases for words and start delivering messages that actually MOVE people.

And above all else, you’re gonna need to be more YOU than ever before, saying what you mean and meaning what you say - all over the damn internet.

And I know you’re ready for that.

So let’s do it!