HANDS UP IF YOU'RE READY FOR simple and consistent SALES.

Hands up if you wish you knew EXACTLY what to do/post/email/say/share EVERY SINGLE DAY to make money every single day - without guesswork, overwhelm, or doing shit you hate.

Hands up if you wish that big money months didn’t have to include sales calls, messaging strangers (EW!), complicated launches, or anything else that drains you and your energy.

Hands up if you dream about ditching the feast and famine money rollercoaster FOREVER and always knowing and believing that more cash is on the way.

Hands up if you want people coming into your world each day, falling in love with you and your message. So much so that they’re EAGER to pay you.

Hands up if 10+ new customers buying from you each week - and then going on to buy from you again and again and again - would completely transform your life and business.

Hands up if you’re ready to make overcomplicating, re-inventing the wheel, and feeling overwhelmed by new potential marketing strategies every single week or month a thing of the past.

All of this is my daily reality.

No bullshit. And I want it to be yours too.


A self study program created to teach you EXACTLY what to do to SIMPLY and effectively GROW your audience, NURTURE your audience, and SELL to your audience every single day - so that you can make money every single day.

2017 was our company’s first $500k+ CASH year - and we’ve gone on to make MILLIONS since. The simple, but powerful sales system that I’m teaching you in this program is the BACKBONE for how I’ve created almost every dime of it.

With this program, you’ll create and implement a marketing system that you can use, over and over, week after week, month after month, to bring in sales consistently, without it ever feeling messy, forced, hard, or heavy - promise.

(The $500k Sales System is now included in The Show Up + Blow Up® Collective. Click HERE to learn more.)


⇨ You need to focus on high ticket coaching packages, and to sell them, you need to keep your prices private, get good at (basically) tricking people to get on the phone with you, and then spend that time strategically helping them overcome their objections or FIND the money. (FUCK THIS.)

⇨ If you want to sign clients, you NEED to do sales calls, or at least have conversations in your DM’s so that people can get to know you, and eventually, when they’re ready, they’ll buy from you. (NAHHHHHH.)

⇨ You shouldn’t SEEM like you’re selling something. You should just show that you want to help people. Serve and the money will come. (UHHH, NOPE.)

⇨ You have to plan out what you’re doing for the next year in order to be a REAL, serious entrepreneur. (HAVE PROVEN THIS WRONG MANY TIMES.)

⇨ People who don’t invest at high levels will never be good customers. The only way to actually make money is to sell things in the thousands. (WRONG.)

⇨ Systems are too masculine. Planning your content and your strategy doesn’t allow you to follow your soul. Everything should be flowy and aligned, so do what you want, when you want. (DON’T THINK SO.)

The $500k Sales System is different.

I want to help you make lots of money, but I also want you to do it in a way that feels authentic to you AND your people.

My aim is to help you

create offers you love and believe in…       

and that genuinely help people, and to show you how to sell them in ways, and at price points, that you feel comfortable with NOW, so that you can do it all CONSISTENTLY - since that’s the key to consistent results, after all.


All the simplicity.

I make money every day. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. But of course - it wasn’t always that way.

My truth is that for the first four YEARS of my business, I struggled. I went to bed every night stressing when the next sale would come in. I took on clients that made me miserable just because I needed the money. I often worked 12+ hours a day, but on things that didn’t actually help me, because I was so unclear as to what my actual money making activities were. I struggled to build a loyal following because I was so busy chasing sales and obsessing over money . I listened to anyone that claimed to be making money and chased strategy after strategy because I lacked certainty in myself. I was completely inconsistent in my actions and efforts because I struggled to enjoy my business.

But in February of 2017, everything changed FOREVER. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

I had a line in the sand moment where I decided I was DONE with ACCEPTING the struggle. One day, after literally asking my mom to borrow rent money, I decided enough was enough. It was time to stop hoping for sales and to start commanding the cash I knew I was capable and worthy of. I figured that maybe, just maybe, if I committed to intentionally showing up daily AND selling daily, I could probably make money daily.

And it worked. (DUH!) Truly. After a month of doing exactly that, I had my first $45k month, and I’ve gone on to make over $4 million since, largely because of the decision to create a simple system for myself and to WORK that system - and I really, really want to teach it to you.



The Four Core Lessons

Through mini trainings, so that everything is as easy as possible to find, I’ll be walking you through EVERYTHING you need to know for each step of this system so that you can create your simple, solid, successful sales system. You will have lifetime access to this content.

Supplementary Materials

For each lesson of the program, you’ll receive additional materials to go along with each training. This will include things like guides, workbooks, tutorials, and even examples so that you know what to do and how to put ALL the pieces together for simple, consistent sales.

Lesson 1

Community Equals Cash

An engaged audience that TRUSTS you is the BACKBONE to bringing in money on demand. It’s literally your insurance policy for KNOWING cash can always come in. Therefore, our first lesson is dedicated to creating just that.

  • What you REALLY need to understand about how to strategically and intentionally pick the social media platforms you’ll be showing up on so that you can actually CONNECT with your people - because bigger numbers, without connection, doesn’t help you at all. We’ll cover Facebook pages/profiles/groups, Instagram, and email marketing.

  • How to create a free Facebook group that is fully aligned with you, your mission, and is a place your ideal clients ACTUALLY want to be. We’ll discuss how to create and KEEP engagement - even if your community is dead in the water right now.

  • How to deliver to your people and gain their trust while also maintaining your personal boundaries, including how to balance free content and what you keep for paid customers only.

  • Exactly what steps to take to GROW your audience EVERY SINGLE DAY using free marketing and/or Facebook ads, including the super important mindset shift you need to have about this. How to make all of your social media platforms work together so that you’re working smarter, not harder.

Lesson 2

The Fuck Yes Offer Formula™

The programs you create and how you FEEL about them has MORE to do with the money you make than your marketing. In this lesson, I’m teaching you how to QUICKLY launch offerings your people want to run for their credit card to pay for.

  • Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, I do to quickly launch and sell offers that feel good for me AND that my audience says yes to with ease. We’ll cover how to structure your programs, picking the right price points, a bunch of bonus example options, and so much more.

  • The CRITICAL mindset steps to go through to make sure you feel massively confident about your offers and KNOW they’re going to sell, including what to do and shift if you’re NOT feeling certain. This has been one of the hardest lessons I’ve had to learn, but absolutely one of the most important.

  • We’ll cover how to write and design simple, but effective sales pages that convert, including how to incorporate them into all of your marketing. As well, I’ll guide you through what to do if you don’t have or want a sales page, so that you can get customers to pay minus any tech headaches.

  • How to LITERALLY pull money out of thin air. I will be giving to you, on a silver freaking platter, TEN ideas for offerings that ANY coach can offer at ANY time, even if you don’t have ANY programs or courses currently.

Lesson 3

Your Sales Plan

Being clear, strategic, and intentional about what you sell, when, and for how long is the key to consistent customers and sales. No more marketing blindly or hoping and wishing for sales.

  • Learn how to strategically diversify what you sell and when so that you’re constantly turning strangers into customers with ease - customers that will go on and buy more and more from you. How to set, and HIT, launch goals so that you’re CREATING the cash you want.

  • Mapping out WHEN you're going to sell what, and how to establish effective timelines for your launches, including fixing the top mistakes way too many entrepreneurs make.

  • Ways to establish scarcity at any time during the launch so that people move and move QUICKLY, because if you don’t give them a reason to move, they won’t.

Lesson 4

Money Making Marketing

Writing posts, live videos, and emails that make your people WANT to buy is so much easier than you’re making it. In this lesson, I want to make sure you are CLEAR on what to create and share each day to make money, SIMPLY.

  • How to create a system so that you know what to actually DO every day/every week/every launch to make money - no more complicating this. This is a prime example of STRATEGY WITH SOUL - You’ll know what boxes to check off every single day, but also all in a way that feels aligned to you and your mission.

  • Exactly how I create $50-$100k+ months by spending ONE hour a day on marketing. You’ll see an exact breakdown of EVERYTHING both I and Gretchen do each and every day to market my programs, including my daily and weekly checklists that cover EVERY SINGLE post/email/thing I do, where, and why.

  • What you need to know and understand about the difference between content and MONEY-MAKING content - this is HUGE.

  • How to strategically re-purpose your content onto other platforms so that you’re stretching your efforts without working harder.

  • A behind the scenes look at how we organize our content and marketing efforts so that we can make the next time we launch the same program just as effective, but WAY easier. This is GOLD - promise!





A masterclass created to teach you my BRAND NEW color coded framework for mapping out your offer and then applying the threads of that framework to EVERYTHING else you do when it comes to marketing yourself - making everything feel way more connected, and just as important, way more likely to bring in sales.





Inside, you’ll find 160 prompts separated into four strategic categories to help you provide massive value to your audience, consistently and strategically ask for the sale, and engage your community in a way that is customizable and feels authentic to you and your business.

bonus # 3

Stack the Deck in Your Favor Mini Course

Free offers like challenges and live masterclasses/webinars are a brilliant way to not only get a ton of new people into your world, but to also STACK THE DECK IN YOUR FAVOR so that you get more sales each time you sell - but only when you do it correctly. 

In this bonus, I want to show you how to strategically incorporate these types of events into your sales system so that it not only grows your audience and sales, but so that it also feels SIMPLE and CLEAN, because way too many overcomplicate this, or even worse, bomb them, because of lack of proper planning.

bonus # 4

You’re Fucking Welcome® Mini Course

In order to GET sales all the time, it’s really important that you clearly and confidently ASK for sales all the time. In this bonus, we’ll cover how to effectively and authentically sell to your audience on a regular basis in a way that feels good for you AND them.

We’ll talk sales/money mindset, how to work through feelings of guilt/ickiness as you SELL, how to stop feeling like you’re annoying your audience, and how to feel WORTHY of the sale.

Practically, we’ll cover how to COMMAND sales by effectively and powerfully pitching on live videos, in your emails, and on your posts - especially towards the end of the launch. As well, exactly what I do to figure out what to say and share with my audience to get them to BUY, including what I change/do/fix when it doesn’t feel like the sales are going to come in.



Client Love

A’s to your Q’s

  • Something I believe DEEPLY is that there is ALWAYS something to sell, sometimes it just takes a bit of creativity. Lucky for you, I am the program creation QUEEN. You will you have a ton of ideas to work with (lesson 2), to help you create programs and offerings QUICKLY so that you can, essentially, pull money out of thin air. For real.

  • Absolutely not. A big part of this program is to help you start selling more regularly, and with more intention. I’m giving you the exact blueprint of how I do things, but also know it’s massively important that we figure out a way to adjust it and create a system that feels aligned to YOU.

  • One of the things I love about this program is that it can help the woman making $0 at the moment, but it can also transform the business of a 6 figure earner. This system took me from a $160k year to a $500k+ one, and also was the only system I implemented for a million dollar 2020. I believe deeply it can help entrepreneurs at all levels.

  • First and foremost, I think it’s important to remember that you can absolutely make money without a huge audience. With that said, this program will teach you how to A. intentionally and consistently build your audience and B. capitalize on the audience you ALREADY have.

  • The first lesson focuses on building an engaged audience, largely based on my experience of growing/running/building a free Facebook group. However, I genuinely believe that almost ALL of the principles I share in this lesson can be applied to other platforms, such as Instagram, your Facebook profile, etc. and we will touch on other platforms a bit as well.


    1 - The $500k Sales System Self Study Program is taught as a cohesive, chronological system. The Show Up + Blow Up® Collective is a membership that is structured more like a training library, with lessons on various topics. So while it includes the lessons inside The $500k Sales System, it’s not presented in the same chronological, systemized way.

    2 - Because The Show Up + Blow Up® Collective is a membership, members only have access to the content while they’re an active member. If you purchase The $500k Sales System on its own (and complete all payments) you’ll get lifetime access to the content.

    3 - The Show Up + Blow Up® Collective includes weekly group coaching calls and a Facebook group where you can ask Sara and the community questions. The $500k Sales System is self study and does not include any support from Sara.



Big promise, I know.

But what I want you to know and understand is that I believe, with every bone in my body, that what I’m going to teach you can change your life forever - because it changed mine.

This program means the world to me, and I know that after going through this program, you’ll finally…

Be CRYSTAL clear on what needs to be in place so that you're creating and launching programs that your people pay for happily and easily.

Have a simple and solid plan and know what to do EVERY SINGLE DAY to grow your audience and to bring in sales.

Know how to simplify the process of making money consistently. NO more re-inventing the wheel or chasing new shiny strategies each week.

Have a system that works for YOU - not a carbon copy of someone else’s.

Feel confident and excited to share your programs with your audience - not just because selling no longer feels icky, but because you KNOW you’re creating things they want and need.


Before you go…

It’s probably safe to say that you’ve considered taking a ton of different programs in the past, wondering if they would work for you. I get that.

Here’s the thing about The $500k Sales System - it’s as logical and straightforward as it gets, because truly, business, at its core, is simply a game of solving problems. Get in FRONT of the people who want their problems solved, and you can make as much money as you want.

I’m going to show you how to SIMPLY and EFFECTIVELY do just that.

Grow your audience, nurture your audience, and sell to your audience consistently, the way I’m teaching you to, and it doesn’t make sense to me how you couldn’t increase your sales. It literally doesn’t.

I don’t care what’s gone on in your business in the past. I don’t care how many things have failed or how little money you may have made. I. DON’T. CARE. I want you to decide that it’s time to stop settling for struggle, that it’s time to trust yourself to take action, and that it’s time to change your life, and change it quickly.

You ready?


Use this form to get in touch.