As a woman, you should be two things:

whoever and whatever the fuck you WANT to be.

and when you embrace that this isn’t any less true, just because you own a business, magic happenS.

✨ You can BLOW UP your income and SMASH that next financial goal you’ve been CRAVING and OBSESSING OVER for months, if not years. (Instead of staying stagnant or plateaued, mostly because you’re not really ENJOYING what you’re doing.)

✨ You can EXPLODE your visibility and grow your following - with people who are MORE than happy to pay attention to you, engage with you, and pay you. (Because your days of not shining as brightly as you know you want to are OVER.)

✨ You can EVOLVE into a new level of success, giving yourself permission to do the things you’ve been DREAMING about for a while. (Since the thought of spending the next five years doing more of the SAME makes you want to cry.)

✨ You can STAND OUT from all the other people in your niche because you’re FINALLY saying what you REALLY mean, talking about what you REALLY want to talk about, being the most AUTHENTIC and FULLY EXPRESSED version of you. (Instead of treating your marketing like it’s a chore and ONLY showing up for the sake of the sale.)

✨ You can CUSTOM DESIGN a business model that is aligned with the money you want to make AND the way you want to LIVE. (Rather than continuing to spend your days hustling harder than you want to.)

BOTTOM LINE: A BIGGER business can’t happen if you insist on keeping yourself SMALL.

Which means it’s time to BRAVELY and UNAPOLOGETICALLY write new rules and DECIDE what this next level of success gets to look like for you. Ready to make magic happen?


A six month 1:1 mentorship created to strategically and intentionally support established, high level women like you as you UNAPOLOGETICALLY create your next level of success.

My intention during our time together is simple - to make sure you’re making the money you WANT to make, building the business you WANT to build, and becoming the woman you WANT to be in the process.


✨ She knows HOW to make money. In fact, she’s made plenty of it - but she’s hungry to make MORE. She’s eager to break through her self-imposed glass ceiling and blow her own damn mind.

✨ She’s READY to go bigger. She knows more people need to know her name and her work and she knows it’s time to show up and be so damn good they couldn’t ignore her if they tried.

✨ She’s CRAVING her next era of success in ALL ways. She’s outgrown a lot of the things she used to do, the things that have made her money in the past. She WANTS to step into the next evolution of her business - without sacrifice.

✨ She’s YEARNING for the ability to stand out because of who she IS, not just what she does. She wants to feel free to be bolder, a little more self expressed, and for her business to feel a bit more personal and like an embodiment of who she REALLY is.

✨ She’s PINING for a business model that financially supports her, but also makes sense for the LIFE she wants to build. She wants it all to work together beautifully, like a well oiled machine, especially because she’s DONE spending her days working harder than she wants to, on things she resents having to do.

(you’re fucking welcome.)

we’ll work on a lot during our time together, but with an intentional emphasis on these five areas:

We’ll look at how you’re making money now, how much you WANT to be making, and what needs to happen so you can CLOSE the gap.


We’ll identify the path YOU should take in order to start STANDING OUT and being seen by more people than ever before.


We’ll figure out what needs to STAY, what needs to GO, and what needs to BEGIN so that you can step into the next chapter of success.


We’ll strategically co-create BOLD content and copy that feels AUTHENTICALLY ALIGNED to who you are AND that gets you PAID.


We’ll take a look at your overall existing business and put together a custom strategy and game plan based on what YOU want and need.


In short, we’re gonna get wildly clear on WHERE you want to go - and then figure out how to get there.

just as important, we’ll make sure you BECOME THE WOMAN WITH AN UNAPOLOGETIC EMPIRE™ in the process.

Which means…

  • Putting one, and only one, person on a pedestal. YOUR DAMN SELF.

  • Trusting your desires and honoring your nudges, rather than questioning them.

  • Refusing to abandon yourself, your vision, or your principles to get a sale.

  • Leaning into who you REALLY are and what you sincerely want.

  • Refusing to play small, knowing it’s fully safe to be seen for who you TRULY are.

  • Pursuing what sets your SOUL on fire, knowing THAT is the fastest path to success.

  • Knowing that there’s no right way and there’s no wrong way. There’s just YOUR way. Then, choosing to believe that your way will work - non negotiably.

  • Never forgetting how damn POWERFUL you are - even in the face of momentary setbacks.

  • Selling what YOU want, how YOU want, and at the price YOU want - knowing that when you’re certain about what you’re doing, your audience is too.

  • Slaying doubt and getting into alignment with your highest self because you knows that’s WAY more important than hustling without intention.

your business, your way.

Because if you’re not building something you love, what’s the fucking point?


Two 60 Minute 1:1 Sessions Every Month

This time is yours and we can use it however you’d like - whether that’s having an organic conversation about what’s been going on in your business or writing a sales page for your new offer together - while I’m also sure to keep you on track so that we shift what needs to shift and that your goals and intentions are top of mind, always.

1:1 Voxer Access

So that we can keep up momentum in between our sessions, you’ll have voice and text access to me via Voxer. (You can expect for me to check Voxer 2-3 times per day, Monday through Friday.)

Shared Google Drive

With our shared Google Drive folder, you’ll not only have access to your call recordings, but it will also serve as a safe storage space for all the work, ideas, and brainstorming we do during our time together.

Access to The Show Up + Blow Up® Collective

Each member will also receive access to my all encompassing training library, The Show Up + Blow Up® Collective. This includes pretty much my entire body of work - THOUSANDS of dollars worth of programs, including my signature program The $500k Sales System.

BONUS: Monthly Group Coaching Calls, Exclusively Open to My 1:1 Clients

I know you know how valuable it is to be surrounded by other high level women that are showing up at your level, who inspire you, and embolden you to be better. Therefore, as a bonus, starting in October, I’m going to start hosting monthly group coaching calls that are ONLY open to those working with me 1:1. (Dates/times TBD.)







want in?

the next step: a connection call

I’m COMMITTED to only working with clients who I feel I’m in perfect alignment with and vice versa. Therefore I want to speak to any potential client beforehand.


This is a 60 minute, $250 connection call, only for those SERIOUS about working with me for six months.

Upon purchasing, I'll be in touch ASAP via email to schedule your session.

During our call, we’ll use the first 45 minutes or so to take a look at your business overall and what you feel you need the most support with. I want to hear about your desires and your struggles, as well as your goals and vision. I’ll share what I think your top priorities should be, as well as any gaps that I see in your overall strategy. From there, we’ll dive into how I believe this mastermind can (or can’t) support you in reaching your goals.

If you decide to move forward, the $250 from your session will be credited towards your investment. 

IMPORTANT: While I’ll never force anyone to work with me, and there is no pressure to move forward if it doesn’t feel aligned, please ONLY book this session if you are serious about joining and investing in this experience.

Before you go…


EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. you sell something you don't want to sell or do something you don't want to do, you are making a CHOICE to, brick by brick, build a business you will only ultimately resent.

And I don't know about you, but I can't imagine many things that are as draining or exhausting as putting all your time, effort, and energy into building something you don't even LIKE.

I believe, SO FUCKING DEEPLY, that each and every one of us has the capability to start fresh today - regardless of what’s happened previously.

Forget your current followers. Fuck what you've sold successfully in the past. If from this point forward, you decided to have TUNNEL VISION about what you WANT to do, and you took massive inspired action, saying what you WANT to say, showing up how you WANT to show up, and being who you WANT to be, things would change DRASTICALLY, in ways you could never predict - and FAST.

Letting a former version of you run the show will only keep you running a former version of your business. And it’s time for you to UNAPOLOGETICALLY embrace that you deserve more than that.